Internet Advancement 2.0 Release
Overview: The new Internet Advancement 2.0 was released today to Production and is linked for Packs, Troops, Crews, and Ships from Scoutbook menus for access by Unit Key 3, Delegates, and unit Advancement Chairs. Scoutbook users not in these unit positions or roles will not see the selections in Scoutbook.
Impact: The new 2.0 platform is a completely updated experience, while retaining many features used with Internet Advancement. Unit Key 3, Delegates, and unit Advancement Chairs will be able to link from Scoutbook or from my.Scouting. The Single-Sign On (SSO) uses my.Scouting credentials for ease of access. Initially 2.0 will be for Packs, Troops, Crews and Ships. Posts will continue to use Internet Advancement for a period of time. The direct URL for Internet Advancement 2.0 is An official Frequently Asked Questions page is at
Timeline: The prior Internet Advancement platform will continue to be available to units during a two-week transition period and will work as before. When the platform is no longer available, redirect to Internet Advancement 2.0 will occur, except for Explorer Posts that will have continued access.