With schools closed and many families often relying on them to provide food for their children, they are now in a bind. Chloe Stewart, a 13-year-old Senior Patrol Leader from Troop 7318 in Delaware, is doing her part to make sure that families in her community have the food they need during this difficult time.

“We knew [with] the pandemic, school and work closings made people need the food pantry even more,” said Chloe. “[The pantries] needed restocked so they could give families extra help when school lunches weren’t going to be available.”

To help her prepare to collect donations, Chloe shared her idea during a virtual Troop meeting. Her parents, along with other Troop leaders and fellow Scouts used social media platforms to ask for food donations from volunteers in the community. They then made signs, laminated them, and dropped off bins at homes around Delaware. 

“We advertised locations for the bins.  People dropped off donations and my parents and I drove to pick them up. We made sure everyone did social distancing, and we wore gloves and cleaned donations,” said Chloe.

In less than two weeks, Chloe, with the help of her parents, fellow Scouts and community collected enough donations to provide a week’s worth of food for 26 families in her school district. Chloe hopes their efforts show others that they can always help people.

Chloe’s parents are very proud of their daughter and know she is setting a good example for others.  “We believe Chloe’s kindness has reminded our community that we should always take care of each other. Chloe has shown others that a community can come together even in times when we can’t have face to face contact. She has inspired people to be generous even when times are uncertain and we know our school district is as proud of her as we are in her efforts to help other people at all times.”