When Reid Miller heard about a shortage of medical supplies for first responders in Ohio, the 13-year-old Eagle Scout from Troop 84 thought his Troop might be able to help.

“Reid reached out to inquire if we had high demand supplies in our Scout trailer that could be donated to those who could use them,” said Matt Jergens, Troop 84’s Assistant Scoutmaster.

“I remembered we had a lot of nitrile gloves, hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes from when I maintained the inventory log as Quartermaster,” said Reid. “I suggested that if the supplies were still sitting in the trailer that we should donate them to the local fire department and/or the police department.”

Scoutmaster Pete Carmona then contacted the Genoa Township Fire Department to see if they could use the supplies. “Genoa Township has always been a great friend of Scouting and they sounded surprised and excited,” said Pete. The fire department really needed the hand sanitizer and offered to pass on the other items (including toilet paper) to those who needed them.

Matt shared that the response from the firefighter who accepted the donations was of extreme gratitude and excitement. “I could tell that these were much needed items and that it brought him joy to know that our Troop was thinking of them in this challenging time.”

Not only did Reid instigate this act of kindness, but he’s also been actively involved in his community in other ways during the outbreak.

“Reid is very organized and [also] encouraged me to reach out to our school district to help make sure our neighborhood was on the list for the free lunch/breakfast program,” said Meg Miller, Reid’s mom. “He is happy to take meals to our neighbors and check in on them, from a safe distance, of course.”

Reid believes that it is important to do a good turn daily but is even more excited when a good turn can help many other people that keep paying it forward. “That is what Scouting is about – helping others so that they can be helpers, too.”