Popcorn Training #2 When: Tuesday, August 1 at 6:30 PM Where: Leadership Development Center, 807 Kinnear Rd, Columbus, Ohio 43212 Please RSVP for 8/1 by clicking here
When: 1st Tuesday every month Time: 7PM Virtual Option: Teams Meeting ID: 241 034 250 829 Passcode: rgSGAv http://bit.ly/1DaybreakRT Physical locations usually available Newark First Church United Methodist - 88 North 5th Street, Newark, OH, 43055. Meets in the basement level classrooms. Wi-Fi is available. Gahanna Stonybrook Church - 485 Cherry Bottom Rd. Gahanna, OH … https://skcscouts.org/event/daybreak-district-roundtable/2023-08-01/
August 1st, 2023: Gateway District Roundtable. Come along to meet new and old friends, fellowship, and fun! This month's topic: Joint session: Recruitment discussion, Marty McKew Location: Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3500 Main St., Hilliard, Ohio 43026 Questions: Nick Goessl
Polaris District Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) gives adult leaders the practical knowledge they need to help Scouts to learn outdoor skills. The skills presented closely follow the Boy Scout Handbook and rank advancement requirements. All the skills from Tenderfoot to First Class are covered in this training. … https://skcscouts.org/event/polaris-district-introduction-to-outdoor-leader-skills-iols/
2023 Velvet Ice Cream Day Scouts and families: Come spend a day surrounded by ice cream! Join us for the Velvet Ice Cream Scout Day. Enjoy many different activities and a free ice cream cone with registration! Date: Saturday, August 5, 2023 Time: 10 AM – 2 PM Cost: $5 Location: 11324 Mt. Vernon Road, Utica, OH 43080
2023 Scout Golf Classic Bring your colleagues and join us for a day of golfing while supporting our Scouts! When: Monday, August 7, 2022 Where: NorthStar Golf Club (1150 Wilson Road, Sunbury, OH 43074) Time: 11:00 AM
New Kernel Ask Me Anything When: Wednesday, August 9 at 6:30 PM Where: Zoom Meeting ID: 826 3139 5846 Passcode: 586881 Please RSVP for 8/9 by clicking here
Join us for the annual celebration and recognition of the Eagle Scouts from Licking County. When: August 10, 2023 Where: Double Tree by Hilton Hotel - 50 N 2nd St., Newark, OH 43055 Time: 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM Questions? James Dockter (614) 310 - 1327 or James.Dockter@scouting.org
This Fall Rendezvous is open for any and all scouts in the frontier program. During the course of the day, we will have numerous frontier based activities, lots of fellowship, and end the day with a frontier rendezvous. Participants are to come prepared to camp in the Pines in a manner they see fit (tent, … https://skcscouts.org/event/cfr-frontier-program-fall-rendezvous/
Green Bar Course Adult Training Green Bar Course is an enhanced training course for Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Troop Committee Chairs, Troop Committee Members, Webelos Leaders, and interested parents. Participants will experience two awesome weekends of outdoor adventure with Scouters from throughout the Simon Kenton Council, engage in hands-on round-robin skills instruction and cooking demonstrations, live … https://skcscouts.org/event/green-bar-2023-weekend-1/
2023 Clay Target Classic Whether you are a first-time shooter or a seasoned pro, you will enjoy the competition and the feeling of knowing your sponsorship prepared a young person for life. Reward your employees, entertain clients or just bring some friends to the finest outdoor shooting sports venue in central Ohio and join us … https://skcscouts.org/event/2022-clay-target-classic/
When you are participating in outdoor activities that take you more than 1 hour away from medical care, wilderness first aid provides a significant difference in survival and effects of injuries! The Wilderness First Aid course provides an intensive 16 hours of training covering injury assessment, rescuer safety, bleeding, shock, orthopedic injuries, long term patient … https://skcscouts.org/event/wilderness-first-aid-training-2023-6/