BSA National Council Resources


Scouting Never Stops.

All our regular activities have been cancelled. We miss our school. We miss our friends. Our family, friends and community need our help. We can still join forces! This special edition of our largest digital jamboree will allow you to connect to others, learn new skills, take good care of ourselves and others and build new friendships during this challenging time. We’ll foster teamwork and intercultural interaction while enhancing safe social engagement and well-being.

This is a one-of-a-kind special edition of JOTI! It is a special version of our yearly JOTA-JOTI event that is still scheduled to take place in October as it does each year. Both educational and fun, this special JOTI, in April, will bring fun and education to the homes of young people around the world during a challenging time. You can learn about safety measures, mental and physical health and digitally engage as global citizens through a range of different activities. The best part is, you’ll make new friends from around the world!