Scouting For Food

 A Scout is Helpful. 

Scouting for Food. Does your unit participate? How does it work?

Every November Scouts participate in the good turn initiative, Scouting for Food. This month-long food drive benefits local food banks across our territory during a time when families need it the most: the holidays.

The idea is that over the course of the month, Scouts distribute notes to let their neighbors know about the drive. Then Scouts return a week or two later to pick canned goods, cereal, pasta, and other nonperishable items.

Donations collected by your unit can be delivered to the pantry or food bank of your choice. Please remember to report your results and service hours online.

In an effort to decrease our carbon footprint, we have not offered plastic bags since 2022.

 Register Here!


Fill the LMTV Events

Join us at these locations to “Fill the LMTV” (Light Medium Tactical Vehicle). Donated items will be taken to the local M.A.S.H. Food pantry.

  • Grove City
    2684 Columbus St. Grove City, Ohio
    November 12, 2024, 3pm-7pm
  • Camp Lazarus
    November 21, 2024, 3pm-7pm
  • Chillicothe Army Reserve Center
    1836 Western Ave, Chillicothe, Ohio
    November 18, 2024, 3pm-7pm

Reporting your Totals

Don’t forget to keep a total of items collected and service hours completed during the drive. Please report all numbers by Friday, December 6th, 2024 using the link below.

Please don’t forget to enter the total weight in pounds of the food your unit collected, or the total number of items collected, AFTER the completion of the food drive via IA 2.0 (found in My.Scouting). You can find detailed instructions for entering your totals HERE.