Advancement and Awards

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Internet Advancement 2.0 Released


The new Internet Advancement 2.0 was released and is linked for Packs, Troops, Crews, and Ships from Scoutbook menus for access by Unit Key 3, Delegates, and Unit Advancement Chairs. Scoutbook users not in these unit positions or roles will not see the selections in Scoutbook.  A member of the Unit Key 3 assigns delegates and unit advancement chairs via My.Scouting.

The new 2.0 platform is a completely updated experience, while retaining many features used with Internet Advancement. Unit Key 3, Delegates, and Unit Advancement Chairs will be able to link from Scoutbook or from My.Scouting. The Single-Sign On (SSO) uses My.Scouting credentials for ease of access. Initially 2.0 will be for Packs, Troops, Crews and Ships. The direct URL for Internet Advancement 2.0 is An official Frequently Asked Questions page is at

Online Advancement not only saves time and paper, it also makes for more accurate records in the BSA system. By using Internet Advancement, you have a quick and easy way to enter youth advancements, awards and merit badges.

Online Advancement allows you to enter youth advancements, awards, and merit badges and perform the following actions:

  • Select members from your existing roster,
  • Review, update, or add ranks, merit badges, and/or awards,
  • Access an online Review Unit Roster feature and the Unit Advancement Summary,
  • Print an Advancement Report with a Unit Awards Summary to assist in purchasing.

Before beginning Online Advancement, collect all member information, including advancement records, award records, and merit badge applications with the appropriate signatures. To complete Online Advancement, you must be connected to a printer to print the final report.

Remember, you should still print out your report to bring to the Scout Shop to purchase recognition items.

    Enter Online Advancement     

Silver Beaver Award

The Silver Beaver Award is a national award presented by the local council. The award is made for noteworthy service of exceptional character to youth by registered Scouters within the territory under the jurisdiction of a local council. A nomination may not be made for a posthumous award. The award is limited to adults 21 years of age or older. Nominations will not be considered for former professional Scouters within 5 years of their leaving employment with the BSA.

Nominations are made each November for selection and presentation the following spring.

Nominate a Silver Beaver

Polar Bear Camping Award

Winter camping is fun and challenging. For those few hardy souls who brave the freezing winter weather in just a tent, Simon Kenton Council offers the Polar Bear Camping Award!  Units may apply after camping at one of the council camps in weather at or below 32 degrees F.

Award Application

To find a Merit Badge Counselor, please contact your District Executive. Please send all Merit Badge Forms to your District Executive or District Director. You can find their information in the Staff Directory.

The Duke Edinburgh’s International Award is an internationally recognized program for young people, building their skills to equip them for life and work. By creating opportunities for young people to develop skills, get physically active, give service, and experience adventure, the Award can play a critical role in their development.

Learn More!


Scoutbook is the BSA’s online unit management tool and helps Scouts, parents, and leaders track advancement and milestone achievements along the Scouting trail. Enhance your Scouting experience today!

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Once the Board of Review is completed, please email completed the Eagle Application to

The National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) is an excellent resource for future Eagle Scouts. 

If you have lost your Eagle Scout card, you can request a new one through their site. 

You can now nominate an Eagle Scout for the 2020 American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year Scholarship, as well as for the VFW Scout of the Year scholarship. 

Visit NESA   Replace Card    American Legion Scholarship   VFW Scout of the Year Scholarship