Simon Kenton Council Fundraising Events
Ways to Support Scouting
Frequently Asked Questions
Financial resources for the local council (the local nonprofit corporation chartered by the National Council) come from an annual Friends of Scouting campaign, local United Ways, foundation grants, special events, project sales, investment income, trust funds, bequests, and gifts of real and personal property.
These funds provide for maintenance of council camp properties, assistance to at-risk Scouts in need, accident and general liability insurance for all registered Scouts and Scouters as well as professional and administrative staff support who provide organization of new Scouting units, service for existing units, training of volunteer leaders and delivery of community-wide programs. The council also provides for the operation of three local council service centers, where volunteer leaders can obtain literature, insignia, advancement badges, and other items vital to the program.
73% of the Simon Kenton’s expenses are used to run programs for Scouts. 13% of expenses goes toward Management, 12% goes toward Fundraising and 2% goes toward Charter and National Service Fees.
Assisted by their parents or guardians, local Scouts pay their share from personal savings and participation in money-earning projects. Members buy their own uniforms, handbooks, and personal equipment and pay their own camp fees (assistance is available).
Units Weekly or monthly dues and funds from approved money-earning projects meet expenses for supplies and activities in the Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Venturing programs. These monies help pay for camping equipment, registration fees, Boys’ Life magazine, uniform insignia, special activities, and program materials. Units are strongly encouraged to create individual youth accounts that allow members to save for events and programs.
Each chartered organization using the Scouting program provides a meeting place and adult volunteer leadership for its BSA unit(s).
Simon Kenton Council conducts an annual popcorn sale by youth members. The council shares the proceeds from this sale with the units that participate in the sale. Units’ proceeds are used as described above to fund unit programs and individual youth member activities. The council’s proceeds contribute to the council’s operating funds as described above.